“舊約” 和 “新約” 的關鍵/核心區別是什麼?
基督誕生前後, 有什麼文化,政治和宗教的因素影響到基督教
闡釋約翰福音 和 馬太/馬可/路加福音的差異點
闡釋路加福音 和 馬太/馬可/約翰福音 "復活記載" 的差異點
我們不再有歷史上的耶穌, 我們如何建立我們的信心?
[使徒行傳] 值得提及的主題是什麼?
使徒彼得生命的一些階段是什麼? 解釋它們的含義
[基督論]是什麼? 早期基督教議會的爭論點在那裡?
耶穌, 彼得, 保羅, 希伯來書和啟示錄的福音中心思想是什麼?
解釋這門課程 [新約導論] 的座右銘
*** Comments during the final exam:
1. I never expected that a pastor-teacher had more Biblical questions than me - 學分班學生
2. Put aside the methodology of the course, I admired the passion of the teacher - 牧師班學生
3. If there is a second chance, I'd need a bigger head to absorb a course like this - 大二學生A
4. Now I read the Bible with new perspectives - 大二學生B
Additional comment:
God/gave us a happy year full of wisdom and thoughtful curriculum/with the
expectations of the future;
We will meet again/we'll miss you.
Will think of the things you taught in the class/we love you.
You are like our grandfather/you always taught us words of wisdom.
Let us see the wisdom of God again.
If you have the opportunity to come back,
you can continue to teach us. - 大二學生 L Y T
Will think of the things you taught in the class/we love you.
You are like our grandfather/you always taught us words of wisdom.
Let us see the wisdom of God again.
If you have the opportunity to come back,
you can continue to teach us. - 大二學生 L Y T